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Do-It-Herself Workshop (and giveaway!)

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Hey all! I am so glad it’s Friday!! We had some ice accumulation here last night and I was hoping for a snow day for the kiddo, but we made due with a delay (and sleeping in). ;) I cannot wait for a weekend of relaxing and puttering around!

Last night I was honored to co-lead the Do-It-Herself workshop at a local Home Depot and let me tell you, I was SO impressed with how they put it together! The set up was just adorable – since this month’s project was Pinterest-inspired, they pulled ideas from there to create some fun vignettes.

This was a DIY workshop, and I will get to that more in a minute, but just loved how cute the set up was so I have to brag on them for that first. They pulled out their stock of outdoor furniture for the audience so it was comfy and colorful:

home depot do it herself workshop

Brilliant idea!

The sign-in booth was just so cute – everything was made from pallets and wood they had at the store (hellooo Pinterest!!):

home depot do it herself workshop

Don’t you love the pennants they made from scrapbook paper?

They had super cute bags with goodies for each attendee too:

home depot do it herself worksho

I don’t know if you can see my apron there, but one of the staff members painted mine just for me and it is SO CUTE. She used colors from my blog and it is precious – I love it.

OK, I know I should be talking about the DIY, but the food table was amazing too:

pallet table

More pennants, more pallet tables, and I LOVED the idea of lining the barrels with lawn bags and using them for the beverages. Seriously? So fun!

The workshop leader Janice did a great job of sharing the process of tiling a frame around a mirror. They had smaller ones there for people to try out, but this is a great idea for those basic builder mirrors so many of us have hanging in our bathrooms too.

These were my favorites of the night:

tiling around a mirror

I was obsessed with that smaller one with the small tiles – it had such a pretty beachy vibe.

Janice shared a tip she uses for smaller projects like this that I would never have thought to do. She just puts on gloves and then smooshes the grout in between the tiles with her hands. Loved that – it’s messy no matter how you do it but that makes it even easier!

I think my favorite “tool” of the whole project was the tile setting mat – it’s just sticky stuff you put down instead of mortar. Way less mess and so much easier! (I’m Vanna Whiting it here):

home depot do it herself workshop

I’m planning on using it in the laundry room so I’ll let you know how it works.

The ladies (and some gentleman) got to shop for their own materials as well – they had some beautiful mosaic tiles to pick from:

home depot do it herself workshop

I found a perfect one for the basement bathroom, now I just need to decide where to put it. :)

It was a fun night and we had a great turn out, especially with the weather we had coming in. Hope everyone got home safe and sound!

Thanks to Janice for leading the workshop and Celeste for her help along the way and beautiful ideas for the set up:

home depot do it herself worksho

Don’t forget – the workshops are offered every month on the third Thursday and are free to attend. Next month is how to install dimmers – one of my very favorite things to do in our house. It would be great to see how to do it first hand if you haven’t done one yourself. (Go here to find out more.)

It was an honor to work with everyone from Home Depot this month! To celebrate, they are giving me a $100 HD gift card to give away to one of you!

Here’s how to enter to win $100 to the Home Depot!:

1. Leave a comment here. That was easy. :) What home project would you tackle with the help of this gift card? I can think of a few. Or ten. 

2. If you attended the workshop and tried out this project on your own, pin a picture of yours with the hash tag #DIHWorkshop and then comment here with a link to that. (This giveaway will be open till the 28th so you’ve got time!)

* You can enter one or two times – it’s up to you! All options are not mandatory to win – they’re just extra chances. :)

* Remember if you comment anonymously or you have a private blog, please include your email address in each entry, and spell it out with “at” and “dot” to avoid any spammy emails coming your way.

This giveaway is open to the contiguous US only. It will be close Thursday, February 28, at 9 a.m. EST.

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