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What you don’t see

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Hey hey! I finally finished up taking down and putting away all of the Christmas decor yesterday and it feels soooo good to get it out! I love it, you know I do, but come the new year it needs to be gone.

There is still the outdoor decor, but it’s dang cold out and we have a thick layer of snow, so who knows when that will happen.

As I was gathering up the Christmas over the past few days I noticed a few glaring things in our house that I thought I would share. It’s a new year and throughout this next year I hope to continue to show you the fun, pretty stuff in our home. But if you’ve been around for awhile you know I don’t shy away from showing the not so pretty sometimes too.

We are a real family and live in a real house and that means real messes and real things that go wrong… and in the land of blogs sometimes it’s hard to remember that the perfectly styled pics are just that – perfectly styled. ;)

Here’s the low down on just a few of the things that need to be fixed around here…

I think it was three years ago that we thought we had a leak in an upstairs bathroom – we thought so because this happened to the family room ceiling:

Turns out it wasn’t a leak, the protective little jobby I had on the tub faucet (when the Bub was little) had been turned upside down, so when the water came out of the faucet it was flowing right back up into the wall.

It was just one time but it did some decent damage to the ceiling. We have to have the tape removed, retape the drywall and then have the ceiling retextured. It gives me a headache just thinking about it, so it’s sat there. Hung there?

Speaking of that ceiling, it’s getting a paint job asap – the color is driving me NUTTY. And so are all the tiny holes and non-caulked joints on all of the crown in that space:

crown molding corners

I put up the crown a year or two ago and if you’ve done crown molding, you know it can be a royal pain in the patoot. Getting back up on the ladder to fill those holes, caulk the joints and paint it all has been at the bottom of a verrrry long list.

And yes, you can totally tell it when you look at it. This still does not light a fire under me. :)

The drapes in our family room have been unlined with a rough edge since I hung them up years ago. It’s just fabric clipped up:

I’ve now convinced myself that I like it that way. It adds texture…so I say. ;)

Remember that Pottery Barn rug that I saved for and waited patiently for it to go on sale before I brought it home and LOVED it?:

pottery barn jute rug

Well the dog loved it too:

You can’t tell how big it is there but that is a HUGE hole in my pretty rug. I just keep stuffing the loose ends back into the hole to try to hide it. Of course an open, glass coffee table does nothing to help disguise it, but whatever, I am keeping this rug. :)

Our master bath is a room that’s gotten very little updating – I painted soon after we moved in and threw a frame up around the mirror:

maple bathroom cabinets

But it’s almost nine years are starting to show – both of our sinks leak unless we put the handle in just the perfect position, and both of our stoppers are broken:

The leak and stopper happened in one sink, and within two weeks it happened to the other. My plan has always been to replace the faucets entirely, so it will wait till then.

Our tub looked decent a few months ago:

beadboard tub surround

Well, we thought we had a leak (again) but it wasn’t a leak (again) – but we didn’t find that out till the plumber took the side of the tub off just to find nothing was wrong:

beadboard tub surround

I installed the beadboard so that the panels could still be taken off, and it worked great, but I now I need to reinstall the trim and paint over all the new caulk.

And remember when I did all that tile around the tub years ago?

Well, someone (me) never caulked around the bottom of said tile and water got splashed up under it one day and leaked down into the laundry room walls and made a new mess:


I was thrilled that day when I saw the drywall bubbling up, let me tell you. Good things: the leak we thought was a leak wasn’t a leak, I just need to caulk the tile (!!!), and there’s no damage to the electrical stuff because of the water. Bad news: I have drywall repairs and lots of painting to do.

Did I mention this all happened months ago? Yeahhhh.

Speaking of the laundry room, I still don’t have the beadboard painted or the baseboards down:

black beadboard

It’s been like this since I installed those peel and stick tiles a year ago. I wanted to wait till the washer and dryer were moved out to start this redo and I need to figure out a plan for the new mud room built ins before I can finish up the beadboard. So…it sits. Without baseboards.

And finally, the doozy. This one may make you shed a tear, it almost did me. Remember our beautiful pergola on the deck?:

sears gazebo night


After some nasty, fierce winds and a couple snow storms it now looks like this:

Yeah, I took that through the window, remember it’s cold out there!

And yeah, it’s AWFUL. Sucks, royally. It didn’t do any damage to the deck, thankfully. This just happened recently and every time we get ready to go take it apart, it snows six more inches or the temps drop down under 30 degrees, so we haven’t been able to clean it up yet. It made it through plenty of winds and snow last winter and spring, it was just too intense this time I guess.

It makes me just sick to look at it. I don’t know what we’ll do to replace it this year…time will tell.

So anyway, there’s a look at the not-so-good around our house. It’s not stuff I actively hide by the way, I don’t edit my photos or anything like that – if you look hard enough you’ll see a lot of it. ;)

And no, I’m not complaining. This is part of owning a home and I’m thankful for it. Every once and awhile I just like to show that our house is far from pretty all of the time.

Be kind to me…I did accomplish all of this and more last year! ;)

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