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Christmas tree party, 2012

Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

christmas tree party 

Well hey! It’s time to show off all those beautiful Christmas trees as we finish up our holiday home linky series again this year! This is probably my favorite little party of the year and it’s become a tradition for me here at TDC. :)

I’ve shared our monster, beast of a tree before – we got it last year at Lowe’s and it’s 12 feet of Christmas CHEER. At least that’s what I repeat in my head as we’re setting up. Under my breath:

tall christmas tree

Why 12 feet? Well, ask my husband. ;) He’s got a thing about tall Christmas trees. Seriously, he asks for SO little when it comes to decor, but he’s all about a big tree. I would be happy with a much more normal 10-footer (well, normal for us), but no.

Last year was the first in my 37 years that I did not have a real tree, for numerous reasons (a few:  cats, water, hardwoods, trees falling over, etc.) and I do miss a real tree a little, but man, not putting all those lights on (and ripping them off) is a TREAT. I’ll take it!!

I have to admit, when it’s up and decorated (we do all red and gold on this one) and lit, it’s absolutely stunning.

Yet again, the hubby is right (GAH):

tall christmas tree

But this year I have a new crush. I’ve ALWAYS wanted a flocked tree. One of my BFFs has one and every year I ooh and ahh over it, touching it, staring. (It gets a little uncomfortable.)

I never saw one in a store that looked great though, at least for what I wanted to pay. Until this year. I think WalMart (yes, Wally World) may have had flocked trees for awhile, but I just noticed them this year. It looked REALLY good in the store, I was quite surprised.

So I got my flocked beauty last month and I LOVE her. She’s got just the right amount of flock:

flocked christmas tree

And the stuff doesn’t come off either, I’ve even dragged this baby across a room and it didn’t shed much at all.

I think it is just beautiful – the whole thing just glows:

flocked christmas tree

And yes, I know all Christmas trees glow…this one is just different.

We used all of the glittery (WalMart!) ornaments that I used on my little office tree last year, and then some of our white and silver ones as well:

flocked christmas tree

I was going to do just white, silver and blue, but then we stuck a few green on there and I was smitten. It works perfectly with the basement decor:

flocked christmas tree

Isn’t she a beaut? I’m pretty much obsessed. (And yes, it barely fits our ceilings down there. It’s a close one.)

I usually DIY my tree skirts (just yards of fabric fluffed up) but I saw this fluffy one at Marshall’s a few weeks ago and knew it would be perfect. And. it. was:

flocked christmas tree blue and green

We spend so much time down in the basement now, I wanted to have something Christmasy down there. Next year, as more is done, I hope to decorate this space even more. But for now, this tree is plenty.

It sits in the spot where we plan to install/build a fireplace someday (soon?):

flocked christmas tree

It’s 7.5 feet tall for $130 I believe. Since then I’ve kept my eye out and I haven't seen anything close to it as far as quality for the price. Target has one that’s 7 feet tall for $230 and you know I LOVE Target but it doesn’t even compare. (Not enough flock for my taste.)

Meijer had a 7-footer for $20 more I think, that was just sad. I think it was because no one had fluffed up the branches but still. Poor guy.

I still can’t get over how pretty this one is for the price – I’ve seen some for hundreds (and hundreds) in specialty shops that rival it:

flocked christmas tree

And of course, the Peanut Butter loves it too:

bokeh lights

He would sit in front of it all night long if we let him.

So now it’s time to see yours! YAY!! I’ll leave this party open for a week so you can continue to link up for a while.

I would SO appreciate a link back with or without this button:

christmas tree party Thanks so much!!

Here you go, link them up!:

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